Paper doilies Creative Doily Craft Ideas

Color Doilies
15 Paper doilies Craft Ideas
Paper doilies Craft Ideas
Doilies can be glued together to make hanging paper ball decor for parties. What makes these doilies stand out is the fact that they have color and texture. Can you believe that these vibrant colored ornaments are dyed with food coloring?
What happens when you combine doilies and clay? Green Bird came up with some of the most beautiful ceramic dishes ever. The doilies add a lovely texture when pressed into clay! These one-of-a-kind treasures make gorgeous gifts that will be treasured for years to come.
This kid’s craft, paper doily Mother’s day card from SoCal Field Trips, is easy enough for children to make. Every mother will love this lacy flower card handmade by their son or daughter as a Mother’s Day or birthday greeting.
The next time you have a gathering for your girlfriends, such as a baby or bridal shower, honor them with a sweet doily place setting. Nothing says feminine more than these lacy paper napkins from Beautiful Blue Brides and the adorable matching tags.