How to color paper doilies?

Paper Doilies
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Now , we can see more and more colorful paper doilies to be use . Using them to make flowers buntings , paper cones ,place cards and to wrap cupcakes, paper bags , gifts and so on . Not difficult to understand ,finding doilies that aren’t plain white is difficult .Colorful paper doilies are not simple to be made. Here is my way.

color paper doilies

How to color paper doilies

You should prepare white paper doilies ,food coloring ,water ,pie plate or other shallow dish , paper towels , latex or rubber gloves.

  1. put the pie plate with enough water that can cover the paper doilies.
  2. as your pleasure ,add food coloring .Put on gloves ,submerge your doilies.(our paper doilies which choose wonderful materials is good at dying)
  3. remove the doilies .Don’t try to lift it by the lacy edges ,or it may go bad .Time more long ,the color more brunet.
  4. some minute later ,put the doilies on the paper towels .Keep careful.
color paper doilies

Let it dry. The colorful paper doilies have been made. Do you love them?

You can put it under your cup ,or use it to decorate.Of course ,our company also have

Ready-made colorful paper doilies . Welcome to connect us.